Explore valuable information on several topics such as DEI, Analytics, and employee recruitment and retention.
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Michele provides tactical actions and steps they can take to move into management.
Dear Corner Office Blog
Management and human resources professionals ask why diverse employees leave or what their experiences are in the workplace. Dear Corner Office Blogs provide articles that focus on Women Of Color in STEM, and culture before recruiting and retention.

You’re Here Because You’re a Woman and You’re Black
Today is a special type of broadcast directed for employers, and HR professionals, so they can understand what women of color stem professionals have in the workplace.

Using HR & Workforce Analytics For Attracting Diversity In Your Organization
Currently, 78 percent of big companies term people analytics as a vital part of their organizational procedures. So, why is it important?
Watch our webinars to find valuable information on workplace culture, talent management, DEI, and many more!
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Latest Podcasts
Listen to what STEM professionals have to say about important workplace matters
Dear Corner Office Podcasts
White management in companies ask why they can’t find diverse talent or why diverse talent leaves their organization. Dear Corner Office provides reasons why diverse talent leaves organizations and the steps employers must take to attract, recruit and retain them.
White Supremacy & Nonprofit Industrial Complex
DEI and Black History
Take our Employer courses to help you foster an inclusive workplace for the Black, Latina and Indigenous women in STEM
In the workplace, on the subway or in the restaurant, you can stop harassment![/dipl_image_card]
PositiveHire’s Glossary
We have compiled a list of the most common terms used in the industry and our Blogs to get you familiar with them.
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Download our Employer Guides focused on helping you to foster an inclusive workplace for the Black, Latina and Indigenous women in STEM