






Content Library

Latest Blogs

Michele provides tactical actions and steps they can take to move into management.

Dear Corner Office Blog

Management and human resources professionals ask why diverse employees leave or what their experiences are in the workplace. Dear Corner Office Blogs provide articles that focus on Women Of Color in STEM, and culture before recruiting and retention.

How To Leverage Your Network?

How To Leverage Your Network?

Networking is intimidating for so many people so much of the time. But, if someone asks me, what is the most important thing for growth, I would say networking! Do you know that almost 70% of the job openings aren’t even listed? So, how do the companies get the right...


PositiveHire connects women of color in STEM professionals to career advancing opportunities in corporate America.

Wait! there’s more…Free Webinars

Latest Podcasts 

Her Career Ladder Podcasts

Her Career Ladder provides experience Black, Latina and Indigenous women in STEM with career advice to advance their careers into management or technical leadership roles.

My Manager Does NOT Support Me

Episode 20

The Power of A Sponsor And Finding One

Episode 7


Advance your career by creating a strategy, executing it and receiving guidance all at the same time.

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When it comes to your career, you need a strategy that will work for you!

In this course, we dive into four areas often ignored or overlooked especially by Black, Indigenous, and Latinx women in STEM.

We kick off this course with a “Mid-Career Goal Check-In.”

It’s great to reflect on your career. When you’re mid-career, your life and career goals may have changed. Take the time to check-in on where you want to go in your career.


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Are you wondering how to stop harassment? If you’ve been struggling with not knowing how to interrupt everyday sexism, racism, and other microaggressions, then you’re in luck! Attend this workshop and we will help you develop a greater understanding of workplace harassment. 


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If you want to level up in your workplace but don't know what to do, then you need a workplace strategy! 

In this course, we will take up four things that you need to know and what to look for in your workplace. 

Dive right in to level up your career in your workplace.


PositiveHire’s Glossary

We have compiled a list of the most common terms used in the industry and our Blogs to get you familiar with them.

Content Library


These Guides and Checklist provide actionable steps to recruit and retain women of color in STEM.

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2021 Diverse Stem Organizations Guide

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Bystander Intervention In The Workplace Guide

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