Connecting experienced Black, Latinx and Indigenous women STEM professionals to management roles.

Get Started with PositiveHire

How Is PositiveHire Unique?

Many women of color in the STEM profession cite the lack of career advancement as oneof the significant reasons for exiting their STEM careers. PositiveHire connects women of color with employerswho work diligently to create and maintain inclusive workplaces where careers can flourish.

What We Do

  • Provide easy access to experienced women of color STEM professionals.
  • Remove the stress of recruiting from employers.
  • Fit seamlessly into employer’s recruiting process.

How We Do It

  • Utilizing the 3 C’s women of color find important.
  • Utilizing our experience as recruiters, connectors and EEO compliance officers.
  • Understanding your needs as an employer.

Who We Serve

  • Employers seeking to develop and grow a diverse leadership team.
  • Employers focused on increasing revenue with innovative ideas and processes.
  • Employers focused on talent development.

PositiveHire is an ecosystem for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous women in STEM. We are built around community, career development, career advancement, and data.

The PositiveHire graph explains that PositiveHire is an ecosystem for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous women in STEM. We are built around community, career development, career advancement and data. develop and grow a diverse leadership team.

3 color image icons


STEM women participate in a virtual community with access to professional development.

profile icon

Job Board

The tracking of applicant data allows employers to receive feedback to diversify their talent pipeline.

pie chart with blue, gray and orange slices


Our people analytics software tracks career progression to help employers retain the best and the brightest.

Our Wonderful Clients

Science, Technology & Engineering Professionals by Race

Women of color represented only 4% of C-level positions in 2018


Hispanic or Latino


Black or African American


American Indian and Alaska Native
Talented Women

Breaking the
Glass Ceiling

The reality of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous women in STEM every day is often being the “Only” on their team, in their office or in the company.

What We Do?

We listen to your career struggles and successes; we connect you with other underrepresented women and we strategize to position you for the management and C-level positions you desire.

How We Do It?

We help provide culturally competent leadership training & career development and a strong network of underrepresented women in STEM.

Who We Serve?

Black, Latinx, and Indigenous women with 10 or more years of experience as scientists, technologists, and engineers.

What Women of Color Say

I never imagined that women of color held these positions and were so willing to share their time and suggestions. I have a renewed outlook on my career. Thank you ladies for all the newconnections.
Dell Jackson

Developing Infosec Specialist

Today, I received 2 different calls about 2 different internship interviews at SCDOT.
Got the job. I start next Monday in Charleston at the District office. Thanks for the support!
Bryanna Saunders

ITS/Traffic Engineer Associate

Michele Heyward thank you so much for the Women of Color in STEM Summit this week! Great info. Outstanding Presenters. Engaging Attendees. Positive Community. Time well spent.
Stephanie Cole

Brand Storyteller

Join PositiveHire

Where You’re Valued, Respected and Recognized for Your Work

Smiling hispanic woman holding a computer tablet

Where Equitable Workplace Meets
Data, Diversity and Inclusion

At PositiveHire, we use people analytics along with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to drive equitable promotions and hiring in companies.

Dear Corner Office Blog

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