Episode 49: Creating Actionable Steps #GoalDigger
I? Have B, I don’t know Sunday, what is up everybody? This is Michele Heyward, we are in for another session of gold diggers. Yes. Today we’re going to be talking about how to take action every single day, just a little bit of action to help you reach your goals. So I talked about last week how to create small, SMART goals, S M, AR T, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound, you can check that out here on my channel. And this week, you can go get a free guide to help you create your own smart goals, just go to bit.li Ford slash goal guide, 19. And that is case sensitive. So make sure everything is lower case. Alright, so we’re going to jump into this so that you are ready to absolutely, positively create your own goals, you are able to not only create them, but you’re also able to take action every day. And what does that look like? So I’m going to do a search. And we’re going to look at the the goals you created, or the goal we created last week. And this will help put some context Yes, some context to how to how to create daily actions, what do you need to do? So last week, the goal was to make $10,000 in sales. The small goal SMART goal was in one week, I will sell $10,000 worth of my new book. And we say the books costs $10 each, and we must sell 1000 books, then, but before we came up with that smart goal, we went through and discuss like your social media. How many followers do you have on certain platforms? Do you have an email lists? Do you have partnerships with other organizations and how you will market? So today what I want to focus on? How do you take actionable steps to get to hit the SMART goal?
So the SMART goal is a little bit more than $1,000 a day. Right? Let’s say it is 15. Now it’s not 1500. Let’s say Let’s aim for $1,800 a day. We just want to aim for $1,800 a day. And hopefully I’m close. Because right now my math is not working. So $1,428 today, so we want to say $1,500 a day is is our goal, right? So what does this look like? In the seventh day of sales? We’re going to look at specifically what we can do to market the book to make sales, right? So we know you have a we’re looking at where you have partnerships where you are with social media. So weekly actions, and we’re going to be very specific. And we’re going to say Sunday, create and schedule email to go out to email lists Monday morning at 6:30am. That’s what you’re going to do on Sunday. Right? So we’re going to actually create lists or tasks you’re to undertake each day. You’re going to create graphics, let’s say seven graphics in Canva to post on Facebook, Twitter, so I would do Facebook and Instagram. So they can say they can take the same size graphics Twitter are about the same size Twitter Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Okay so then on for those graphics you got Let’s schedule graphics on to post on Facebook
at 6:45am, Monday and we want to write those for each social media account. Instagram at 645 A am on Monday, we’re going to Instagram share posts into IG stories at 11:45am. On Monday, Twitter tweet, share two times a day at 7:15am and 11:45am.
Pin posts to Twitter page, you got to do that? Yes, we’re being very, very specific because you’re like, oh, and so as you build these lists, as you look at what you can do, how to do them, where they come from, it really helps you get very specific. So what you can see what I did I did a, a when when you have to take action when you have to take action? Where are you going to take action, and specific to how you’re going to create action. So create a schedule, tell you what actions are you going to take where, so you’re going to schedule graphics, in buffer. And you can use any scheduler to post on whatever, right that’s the tool. And what you want to do and you can block out you want to Sunday from 3pm to 5pm. You want to schedule out when you got to work on this. And you want to limit the time to get this done. And you want to limit this time because when you limit how long you work on itself, and you’re more than likely we’ll get it done. If Oh, I can do that tomorrow you will push it off and it will not get done. So you got to block out that time. Even if it’s 20 minutes, even 30 minutes. I’m starting with a Sunday because it is done. All right. So this is what a Sunday. This is what we like to schedule posts.
Right so let’s do something else I want to four we want to live stream to promo book on Monday, do a lunch and learn on Facebook Live at 12pm Eastern Daylight Time Eastern time. And then late night chat or late night show at 11pm Eastern time. Then on Tuesday, you may do a IG live for a chat which we’ll call a chat and chew which is still a lunch and learn something at 12pm. Wednesday you can do working women wins they Facebook Live at 7pm Something like that. So you want to say where are you going to be each one of these days what time you’re going to do it back and spell today. There we go. What time you’re going to do it and you can come up also what what topics so depending on what your book is about, you may want to read an insert from your book you want to make you may want to drop do a frequently asked questions and you can do the same content in a similar format that fits that particular platform, or whatever you’re doing. So just work out the details. So see we use a live streaming. We’re using Canva. To create posts, we’re scheduling posts. So literally, we’re just going through our marketing. So we didn’t do live streams where we’re doing live stream interviews, where we’re just talking about doing live streams. You can do TV promos, you can do event brights. But since you only have a week, you can do that live stream to promo book. The other thing I meant to say is you can create events. Hey, Bonnie, you can create events. So create events on Facebook and Eventbrite to help you really figure out what’s going on. Sketch schedule last year, oops. All right. So that is part of what you actually do. And you’re like, Michelle, this looks really nice and pretty. Guess what? You got to put this in your calendar.
So I actually use an old school calendar. Yes, sometimes your muscle mass, your memory works better. A lot of times when you literally write stuff down. So if I can slide this under the stuff that’s sitting on top of it. This is the Passion Planner. And it’s a PDF copy. So but I literally write in and block off Jim. I didn’t make it there today. Some came up at it pitch deck. IB weekly live stream didn’t do that. But I did have dinner. And they did meet my accountability partner. I’m scoping about goals. I did a goals Twitter chat. Then tomorrow, I have karaoke. I’m updating my website. So there are various things. So no, this isn’t for me. So what I’m doing, Bonnie is I’m talking about people how they can take small actionable steps to actually reach any goals. So last week. Hey, Daria, last week. Where did it go? Let me click on it. Okay. Dinner. So last week, the goal was we had Dr. Tammy in here. So we selected to go to sell the smart, we created a SMART goal and a SMART goal was to it one week, I will sell $10,000 worth of my new book. So book costs $10 each. So you must sell 1000 books in that week. So what does that look like? So that’s like 140, let’s say 145 books a day. You got to sell 145 books today. So how do you sell 145 books today? Right? What are you doing? What action do you have to take to actually make that happen? So tonight, I’m talking about how do you make that happen? Taking small bite size, actions, right? And selling it $10,000 in books really could be part of your goal to actually become a Amazon Best Seller, right? So you’re not worrying so much about the money you did in monetary amounts to keep to motivate you. But what you really want to do is sell 10,000 or 15,000 books in your category so that you are a best selling author on Amazon. And so last week, what we also did was we went through social, you know, and looked at what exactly, so okay, like, and that’s exactly why it’s a stretch goal. But if you’re to sell that many books, let’s really look and see if it’s realistic. And so what I did was because we use a SMART goal Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and time bound, is it really is a real list for you to be able to sell 1000 books in one week. If you’ve done some promo, prior to your book, let’s say you did your guest blog and podcast interviews and live stream interviews prior to the book. Then yes, it makes sense that you may be able to sell because you could have people pre order and they actually deliver the book, but this is assuming that you didn’t do that. But what you do assume is you have 10,000 followers on Periscope That’s probably not very realistic, you probably only have about 2000. And then out of those 2000, maybe 200 or active, you have 5000 followers on Instagram. If you use an IG stories binding like you and I know as well as Daria, you probably can pull a lot of sales off of Instagram, then your best bet, if you have an engaged email list, which means you’re feeding them great content on a regular basis, whether that weekly, bi weekly, monthly, they will engage and open up and buy your stuff. So that’s another reason to really, really look at the email this look at it, look and grow an email list. So that 5000 emails list. So that 1000 book sales out of 20 people, let’s say all of these are unique people. So that’s 20,000 people you could potentially reach to buy your book 20,000, maybe? Probably not. But let’s say yeah, so let’s say out of that 20,000, you only reach 10,000, you still need 10%
On average, on average, each person is only buying one copy of your book. So then we look at it said, Okay, you have this is what you have as far as social and your email list. Do you have partnerships? So So maybe your it was Dr. Tammy, she’s a period girl. She’s in a she’s in a sorority, and she’s active. She’s in other Facebook groups and Periscope and online communities? Can she leverage those communities and get sales out of those? So let’s say just out of her Periscope community, or Instagram community and her Facebook, her email list, what if she’s able to get 200 book sales at a just Periscope, Instagram and email this fast 600 books? And then out of partnerships, if she’s able to get another 200 books, that’s 800. But what does that look like? And that takes you literally taking action. And so I’m talking about taking weekly actions. And I started here, I’ll move it down because we’re going to break this up and use it utilizing discussing these parts. Right. And we didn’t even talk about up here Facebook, but I have our live stream. I have actually live streaming on Facebook doing a Facebook event, stuff like that, but we don’t even have Facebook on here. But you probably shouldn’t because she’s part of the paragraphs community. So she would have had she does have she would have to have a Facebook account. Okay, and then we’re looking at overturning a sorority, she may be able to sell, you know, half our books there. I like how you break it down.
Baby fast on my end, good night. Oh, trust me, I’m asleep. My eyes are just opening my mouth is just talking. That’s I’m gonna put it but I am so asleep. All right, and then. Yeah, so that’s just the thing, to break it down is really, really how to help really make it seem reasonable for you to be able to hit these tasks is not about you feeling overwhelmed. Okay. So we looked at Sunday task, we looked at, you know, creating content, creating graphics, scheduling them. And then on on Monday, actually, this number four could be on Monday. And you could do this some of this would have to be done on Sunday. But some of it can be done on Monday as well. And you could just, you could just break it down that way. So this is literally how you want to go back and create that goal. Go from that goal, and really break it down into bite sized pieces. It does not have to be alive. It does not have to be overwhelming. It does not have to feel as though you’re drowning. Okay. I remember one night I was working on like I was really, really behind, but a year ago pulling together this particular event online. And I just hadn’t even done the graph. It’s one of my friends like look, I can do graphics but don’t expect them to look great. So I tell her Okay, fine, I just need you something was better than other So she put together some graphics. And this year we’re talking about she’s like, Hey, I remember I helped Jessie Ooh, you did help me put together graphics. So we were brainstorming this year on the event and I decided not to do it. And I’m doing another event. And I’m using a messenger bot this year. So Facebook Messenger bots, so that should be interesting. So that’s why I’m like an hour late on here we needed to meet and go over the messenger bot.
Okay, now if you were here last week, we were talking about creating SMART goals. And I have this smart goals guide is get so get your free gold diggers guide is@bit.ly forward slash goal guide 19 And it literally explains SMART goals in more detail. It gives you space to write out your SMART goals. And for you really need to start preparing one goal at a time of what to do and how to create goals so you can achieve them starting now not waiting till New year new me in January but truly taking hold of it today. All right, I am tired. I’m gonna get out of here. You can always tweet me over on Twitter. Same handle is here. Michelle want L and et Cie for civil engineer, and as Heyward h e y w ARD. Have a great night and I’ll be back next Sunday. I’m talking about accountability. We’re going to get into accountability when it comes to your goals. Alright, everybody, have a great week, and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

Michele Heyward
Michele Heyward is founder and CEO of PositiveHire, a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between enterprises and underrepresented women in STEM professions. Michele is a civil engineer who is an experienced project manager in the energy sector armed with technical sales and technology transfer experience.
Michele’s vision is to not only help black, Latina and indigenous women find inclusive workplaces, but to prepare enterprises to receive them, and help those enterprises recruit them. This approach makes PositiveHire the premiere recruiting platform for black, Latina and indigenous women professionals.
Michele has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a M.S. degree in industrial management, both from Clemson University. A South Carolina native, Michele enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, Toastmasters, and making connections personally and professionally. Michele has a passion for engaging with others on social media.