Episode 34 : Keeping A Positive Mindset In A Toxic Workplace
Ready for joining me. This is national mentors month, and it is an absolutely great month. If you are looking to mentor young people, even young professionals, definitely definitely reach out to some organizations or directly to someone you would like to mentor. Because it is absolutely a great thing to do. And it makes you feel good to give back. Today I want to talk about keeping a positive mindset in a toxic workplace. If you have ever worked in a place where in it is truly, truly toxic, it is difficult for you to even one a walk through the door, much less not quit on the spot. I have so been there with you. So these are some some of the things I’ve done. These are some things that other professionals recommend. And I wanted to share them with you so that you’re able to cope with that toxic workplace. And hopefully, you’re you’re finding a way to get out of it. But these are some things that you can do. Right? So number one, have a positive mindset. Meaning go in there and say, you know, this is temporary. I have done more difficult things. I’m stronger than this situation. And I can make it through this. You can absolutely say that something I used to say was, this is a time for me to grow. Remember, we grow through difficult times I remember a pawn title, the rose that grew through conch crack in the concrete. And it’s a poem that Tupac Shakur wrote many, many years ago, and I have the poetry book probably on that bookshelf. But it was truly truly important that you are in this very, very difficult situation. But it does not mean something positive cannot happen.
So keep a positive mindset. Something else that you can do when it’s very stressful, when you’re coming into this workplace is remembering to breathe it in through your nose out through your mouth, you can do that on your way to work. If you drive you in the parking lot. And really, really just breathe, even if you’re in the office, just taking a moment to close your eyes, and to breathe, because it can truly help relax your shoulders. Take some of the stress and pressure physically out of your body just breathing for a few minutes. Yes, it absolutely absolutely does help. Something that always helped me was in music having these in where I could tune out the negativity. I could tune out the bad news. I could tune out the aggravating people, right. We’re headsets and what it allowed me to do to not only I could listen to podcasts, I could listen to audiobooks, things that were positive that were feeding positive positivity in me. Even though I was surrounded by negativity, right by in a toxic workplace. Still having something positive. With me every single day is really one way I really got into podcasts. Audiobooks, not so much, because I like to, I’m still a physical book person, as you can tell by this bookshelf. And I really, really like having books, even though I read them very slowly, or they don’t always keep my attention. But it was a great way for me to tune out the negativity. Now something else I did. When it came to being in a in a negative. A toxic and negative workplace was listening to music. What is music that is upbeat that makes you happy makes you feel good.
I don’t know if any of you remember the song Happy by why? Why am I forgetting his name right now. But anyway. And that song just makes you feel happy? What are those songs that make you feel happy? Maybe it’s a station you can find on Spotify. Maybe it’s a station or playlists you can put together from a provider that you have. And you really just listened to that and put putting together different playlists. So you always listen to the same one, but maybe five to 10 of them so you can put them in rotation to really help you get through the workday news. It can absolutely change your mood and get you through the workday in a toxic workplace. Something else you can do is phone a friend. Yes, use a lifeline phone a friend. Finding a friend really helps somebody else. Hear you vent. They let you let it loose and then they feed back into you and they build you up to get you through that day through that moment through dealing and working in that
Toxic workplaces. So phoning a friend who is positive and uplifting, don’t phone a friend who’s always negative. And down around the world, that is not who Negative Nelly is not who you want to call, when you’re in a negative place. Don’t call another negative person. I know in math, they make positive. But that is not who you want to call when you’re dealing with having to go repeatedly in a toxic workplace. All right. Next, prayer and meditation, prayer and meditation, find your favorite scripture, your favorite quote, and just go within right, I’ll go with that go above, and really let that refuel, you keep you lit, so that you can make it through the day. Next, take breaks.
Even if it’s a 1015 minute break, just go sit in your car, find a quiet place, some places have a lactation room. Some places have a cafeteria, where it’s not lunchtime and just go sit there and just get away from the negativity so that you can re germinate and re energize yourself to continue to work there for as long as you have to take those breaks, it really, really helps. In saying that I thought about
something that some people do, they have snacks, and they end up gaining weight when they’re in a toxic workplace. If you’re either when it comes to stress, switch out those things that God will make you gain weight, so that you’re eating things that are more nutritious, more, just as delicious. So maybe set up potato chips, you have sweet potato chips, on veggie chips, different things like that, to really really make you feel as though you can make it through the day. Now.
I know taking breaks aren’t something that all of us can easily do.
But this is something that absolutely can work is speaking positively. Even in that situation. Remember I said you can get through it, you can make it happen even even having that right mindset but speaking it so that you believe it, going there and saying you know what I have I can truly do this. I believe in myself I’m stronger than I look alright. And you know, I will be stronger at the end of this. There’s a reason I’m in this difficult place right now. And whatever that reason is, I will persevere I will overcome and I will win in the end.
So no matter what it is just know not to give up and you can absolutely do this. So let’s go back over how to keep a positive mindset when you’re in a negative workplace. Remember to breathe. Remember to think positively. Listen to music. listen to audiobooks and podcasts, which are positive even YouTube channels their various YouTube channels which are positive phone a friend gotta use another lifeline, right? Prayer meditation, take breaks and speak positively about the situation you’re in that something good will come out of it. I’m Michele Heyward. This is your mentor Monday, and I will be back next week, talking more about how you can become better as women of color STEM professionals. I’ll talk to you later. Bye

Michele Heyward
Michele Heyward is founder and CEO of PositiveHire, a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between enterprises and underrepresented women in STEM professions. Michele is a civil engineer who is an experienced project manager in the energy sector armed with technical sales and technology transfer experience.
Michele’s vision is to not only help black, Latina and indigenous women find inclusive workplaces, but to prepare enterprises to receive them, and help those enterprises recruit them. This approach makes PositiveHire the premiere recruiting platform for black, Latina and indigenous women professionals.
Michele has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a M.S. degree in industrial management, both from Clemson University. A South Carolina native, Michele enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, Toastmasters, and making connections personally and professionally. Michele has a passion for engaging with others on social media.