Episode 30 : Planning For The Future
I greatly appreciate it. For those of you don’t know, my name is Michelle, this one L. Michelle here in South Carolina. And I thought I would come on two nights in a row last night, of course I was on somebody else’s account. If you didn’t see I was on Laura Lala keys account. Tonight, I want to talk about planning for the future, like what are the things you do to plan for the future? And I don’t mean like, necessarily 20 years out, maybe you have a 20 year goal, right? And then maybe that is to pay off your mortgage? And what are you doing to pay it off early, maybe like, I want to pay this house off before my kids go to college, and the youngest is 17 is seven. So you have 10 years or less to pay off your house? And so what are those things that you are doing to pay them off? Right? Or maybe you have goals or plans to go on a trip? Like how do you backwards like this is the goal, this is the plan. This is where I want to be and literally taking the steps backwards, to figure out how to reach those things. So whatever you do, you want to take the time to grab a pen, and a paper that might have some goals. Some questions? Listen, where do you see yourself in two to three years? Thanks for the hearts. Where do you see yourself in three to five years, five to 10 year what makes you happy? Like these are really seemingly easy questions. But most of the times we get wrapped up in our everyday lives. So take the time to really write down and you don’t even have to start it two to three years, you can start in like in six months, where do I want to be in June, July of 2020? With my life, right? Do I want to have $1,000? Saved? Do I want to have $10,000 paid off my vehicle? What is it? Do you want to have a better job, and literally writing things down, there’s power in writing things down. And so I encourage you to find a empty notepad, a journal, maybe you started to journal, NFL all to write down those things that you want to accomplish, you plan to reach in your lifetime. And put like dates when you want to hit those things. Because a dream is a goal without a date. And you want to have a date next to those things because they make them more realistic. They make them achievable when you have an actual date to them. So first question, where do you see yourself in two to three years, and you’re like married with kids, my kids out of my damn house? My kids working part time, so I don’t have to pay all this extra stuff for them? What is it that you want in your life in two to three years? Maybe it’s like something that’s not completely like, Okay, I want to have $10,000 less in student loan debt. I would like a New Earth car, whatever it is, write it down and really focus and really see where you want to be. Then the next question you ask yourself, Where do I see myself in three to five years. And this is really, really important for women to frame this. for themselves. Oftentimes, we are caretakers to our family. And that can be kids and spouse that could be significant other, even our parents, aunties, uncles, we become the caregivers. But it’s truly important, especially for women to keep an eye and a pulse on what they want and where they see themselves in two to three years in three to five years and so forth. Any questions, any comments? Anybody that who does this already? Put a one up if you do planning a year, two years, three months in advance and let us know how far in advance you do planning? Where do you see yourself in five to 10 years? Maybe you’re like, yeah, yeah, you dancer because your kids are out of the house. And you’re like that’s so I see myself traveling, I’m going on a cruise. I am going to sell this large house and by smaller house like where do you really see yourself? Then go back and ask yourself what makes you happy? Not like, Oh, if I’m having my kids clean up No, like what really makes you happy? Is it I don’t know painting? Is it photography? Is it creative, creating a new business I one of my friends, I’m at her house, and she gets excited about creating new businesses come up with new business ideas. And so I’m making her it Again, our budget tonight because I’m making her do more work than I hate Jonathan. So do you need desire to go back to school, maybe you like my kids are going to go to school. So I’m gonna go to school to, or maybe your desire is to go to school in the next two to three years or to start applying now. So you’re enrolled in a summer or the fall? All right, and have your definition of success. Yes, we all define success differently. Some people like Success for me is having all this money in the bank. So success for you is really having a feeling of being financially secure. So also look at how that definition makes you feel. Because oftentimes, we overlook it. But what is the feeling you really want from achieving these goals? From creating these this plan and executing this plan? What is that feeling I get that it gives you is a security, peace of mind, happiness, joy, or pain, right? So whatever it is, be sure you capture how these things make you feel. Then on the other side of that, do you desire to have family one day? If you don’t? Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Do you want to be a home owner, or maybe you want to be mortgage free home owner, right? Because there’s a difference. There’s a difference when you that homeowner with a mortgage and and at mortgage free home owner because you’re looking at your job, like my house paid for I don’t really need to be here, I can find a way to pay the electric bill to taxes and insurance, right? So really, really think about home ownership in two perspectives at least. Is it one with a mortgage and one without a mortgage? All right, and then do you want to help your child or children with college if they choose to go. So there are all these college financial plans and options to save up for your kids to go to college. Some of them are specific that if your child does not go to college, you don’t get that money, or you have to transfer it over to your other one of your other children who goes to college. So some people have opted not to select that because they don’t want their financial money tied into one avenue. And neither one of their kids decided to go to college, we really don’t know what 10 years really gonna be like when it comes to college education, not only the cost, but other than lawyers, doctors, engineers who really are going to be going to college these days, we were waiting to see how education is going to morph and change in this decade. Because I can guarantee you it will. So these are some questions to ask yourself. Write them down, put a date to plan them out. Take some action. Don’t just sit on your plans for the future. make them happen by taking a little bit of action every single day. Alright, everybody, I’m Michele Heyward. I’m gonna get out of here. I hope you have a great weekend and I will talk to you later. Bye.

Michele Heyward
Michele Heyward is founder and CEO of PositiveHire, a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between enterprises and underrepresented women in STEM professions. Michele is a civil engineer who is an experienced project manager in the energy sector armed with technical sales and technology transfer experience.
Michele’s vision is to not only help black, Latina and indigenous women find inclusive workplaces, but to prepare enterprises to receive them, and help those enterprises recruit them. This approach makes PositiveHire the premiere recruiting platform for black, Latina and indigenous women professionals.
Michele has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a M.S. degree in industrial management, both from Clemson University. A South Carolina native, Michele enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, Toastmasters, and making connections personally and professionally. Michele has a passion for engaging with others on social media.