Episode 25 : How to Prioritize
I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend, just like I am. Today, I want to come on my account and talk about how to prioritize in your life in your business. And really some things that you need to consider. If you have not shared this out, go ahead and press those three dots. Um, share this out to you, your Twitter followers, your Facebook community, your Periscope community, I would love to engage them. Hey, no else garden. Thanks for joining me. Okay, so when you’re looking at what to prioritize in your life, in your business in your career, these are three things you need to think about. Number one, does this thing person people activity? Cause you on necessary stress? Yes. So when you’re looking at prioritizing something, does it cause you unnecessary stress and unnecessary meaning is a better way to do it? You could do it from a different perspective. Hey, Garmin appraisers. What is it? And why is it that you are going through this stress? Michelle, it’s a job it pays my bills go get a different job. Most of us can, whether it’s finding a job online, a different employer. But for many of us change is hard. But if the stress is unnecessary. You need to make the necessary changes to move away from that stress. That is how you need to prioritize the Hey, I hope you’re having a great weekend. Number two, does this person do these people? Does this activity this this thing add value to your life? Yes. Does it add value? Hey, good afternoon. Thanks for joining. Does it add value? Hey, Realty goddess. When I say add value, meaning, oh my god, let’s say Hmm. I don’t mind being in the newspaper, being connected to this thing. I don’t mind telling other people about it. it uplifts me, it makes me feel good. I smile with it, I laugh with it, I can hug it. I appreciate what it brings to me as a person to me mentally, physically, emotionally, does it add some type of value to your life, I go over three things to consider when you’re prioritizing things, right. And sometimes it’s gonna be directly to you as a person. So, so one thing that adds value that many of us don’t like to do, or don’t look like we like to do is work out. But it does add value to us. It helps us fight off illness, it helps us stronger, helps us live longer. Working out has many benefits. We may not like it, but it does add value to us. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats, for many of us are some way of taking a protein may not be meat. So let’s say protein adds value to us. It helps nourish our bodies what? We may not like eating a lot of green leafy vegetables, right? But it does add value to you. So what are those things that that person those people who add value and who are those that you’re connected to? Who dot who do not add value through banks consider when setting priorities. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. Thanks Noel’s guard, I love having a scribe in here. She’s been so helpful today. Number three, and a lot of us this is the easiest one to do, especially if you’re in business. Does it add money to your pockets. And now remember, I started out with number one, meaning it causes you stress, right? And a job may cause you stress and it adds money to your pocket. But it’s the stress you have to find that balance between the money and the stress. If you’re in business, not all money is good money. So you need to understand the differences of when you’re willing to take money for what you’re offering. And when you’re not willing to take money because it’s causing you undue stress, right? Because you can be getting great money from a client that is causing you undue stress and you need to figure out in the next 90 days, 180 days how to get clients you can you prefer to work with Get into your business and get rid of that one client that is causing you undue stress. And I’ve had so many people, but they’re paying me like 5000 10,020 $5,000 a month, I can’t get rid of them. I said, Well, you, you want a heart attack, you want to be hospitalized, you’re always there. That money that client is really causing you undue stress, is it truly worth it? And you really have to figure out how to get them out of your life. And guess what your priority then becomes how to get rid of them, and replace what they’re putting into your business, what that they’re putting in your household income, how to replace it. So really, really prioritize what is important to you. So three things to consider when you’re looking at how to prioritize? Does it cause you undue stress? Does it bring value to your life, and doesn’t add money to you? So the different perspective different ways you can look at it. I just wanted to come on because I was talking to somebody, and I was like, Well, now you have your priorities clear. You’ve got everything you need to do. You got what you need. Your Diet done, move on. Right, move on. Alright, everybody, I’m Michele Heyward. Have a great weekend. And I will see you tomorrow here tomorrow night around 10pm 11pm. Eastern Time, and we will be talking about goals. Yes, I talk about goals all the time, not just at the beginning of the year because it is a systematic process. It is something you work on every single week, not just the month of January, or the first five days of January of every year, the first five weeks of a new year. It is something you work on every single day, doing small action action items every single day, and it builds up so that you are winning and you are achieving your goals. Alright everybody, have a great weekend and I will talk to you later. Bye

Michele Heyward
Michele Heyward is founder and CEO of PositiveHire, a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between enterprises and underrepresented women in STEM professions. Michele is a civil engineer who is an experienced project manager in the energy sector armed with technical sales and technology transfer experience.
Michele’s vision is to not only help black, Latina and indigenous women find inclusive workplaces, but to prepare enterprises to receive them, and help those enterprises recruit them. This approach makes PositiveHire the premiere recruiting platform for black, Latina and indigenous women professionals.
Michele has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a M.S. degree in industrial management, both from Clemson University. A South Carolina native, Michele enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, Toastmasters, and making connections personally and professionally. Michele has a passion for engaging with others on social media.