Episode 19 : Being A Leader Starts Investing
We are now going to talk about being a leader and leadership. And there’s so much information out there, when it comes to the traits of a leader, the behavior of a leader, creating becoming a leader in the workplace. And that’s really great. But what I challenge you to do is when you want to, especially if you’re a black woman, Latina, indigenous underrepresented in science, technology and engineering, is really take a holistic view of your organization, you work for the industry you’re in, and really understand what part you play, and what part you want to play in that industry. Oops, I forgot to do one thing. Essentially love lives, okay. So what I always encourage you to do, what I encourage you to do, is really look at what role your job plays in the organization on a whole. Too often, we are very focused on our day to day activities. And and it’s true, that’s, that’s, you know, what you want to do as an employee. But as a leader, you’re looking at the organization as a whole, you’re looking at not only what is going on in your location, your team, your business unit, but the organization as a whole. And oftentimes the industry, hey, I’m glad you could join to. And when you’re able to look at the organization as a whole, you then can see how you play a bigger part in it. So you work for a publicly traded company, you can get their 10k report, their annual report, that where they’re talking about the finances, they’re talking about the overall goals for the organization for the next year, as well as long range plans. And you want to see where you can position yourself in the organization long term, and where you can go. And as always, every organization is different, you may find it in a business unit you’re in is one they may be looking to sell, they are not really focused on growing it increasing revenue or employees. And so you might be like, Okay, what does that really mean? Other times, you’re now looking at, okay, for the business, that business unit I work for, for the product line, or the customers I serve, we are growing. And my role and opportunity in that growth within this company has been increased, right, hopefully, now understanding how your particular skill set and your job helps the company reach that goal is truly important. So, so often you think, Okay, I’m a process engineer, and I work this product line, and I and I make sure the line doesn’t go down. But what if you realize the company’s goal is to generate $300 million in annual revenue from that one product line that you’re the process engineer on. And that’s part of a billion or $1.5 billion revenue goal they have for the organization. Now you understand that impact of what you do is much larger than what you thought it was when it comes to revenue in your organization. So it’s really important you understand how your role really plays into the long range and the short term goals for the organization. And that helps you then position yourself like, Okay, I know these what this is where the company is trying to go, I need to be talking at a higher level, like how does how does the pandemic impact this product line? Right? How does the pandemic impact this customer base? And what do I need to do in order to lead the way in that change in that growth or even in that reduction that you may have in the organization and possibly a restructure? So you look at your organization and you also want to look at industry? How’s the industry changing? Are they changing technology? Are they changing?
Are they moving things offshore? Are they moving things back onshore, and so it’s really important to see what is also being done in your industry. Lastly, determine how you can’t contribute more to the success of the business. So when I say success of the business, how can you help increase revenue and an increase in revenue could be a I’m changing, or coming up with a best practice for maintenance. It could be a way to write or document different things. It could be great. I’m creating software. There’s a great software engineer I met, that I know who was in my network. And the CEO of a company, she worked for what takes so much so many days to go through all of these internal reports and make a decision. So what she did was she wrote a, she wrote code to help him, the CEO, make decisions quicker. And that one piece of code, help the company generate millions of dollars of revenue, because the CEO then was able to make decisions quicker with the information that came from all the various reports from all the different divisions, business units, and managers and directors. Right. So what how does that truly impact the overall and how can you play into into that organization? So think about that revenue? How can you improve efficiency? How can you decrease, improve safety, it decrease accidents. So you really, really want to think about those things when you decide that you want to be seen as a leader in the workplace, because or even in your industry, if you know where your industry is going when you know your organization’s trying to go, you can then align where you are with those things. All right. That is all I have for today. I will be back talking more about leadership. So come join me and I will talk to you later everybody. Bye

Michele Heyward
Michele Heyward is founder and CEO of PositiveHire, a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between enterprises and underrepresented women in STEM professions. Michele is a civil engineer who is an experienced project manager in the energy sector armed with technical sales and technology transfer experience.
Michele’s vision is to not only help black, Latina and indigenous women find inclusive workplaces, but to prepare enterprises to receive them, and help those enterprises recruit them. This approach makes PositiveHire the premiere recruiting platform for black, Latina and indigenous women professionals.
Michele has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a M.S. degree in industrial management, both from Clemson University. A South Carolina native, Michele enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, Toastmasters, and making connections personally and professionally. Michele has a passion for engaging with others on social media.