Meet Black Women Engineers & Tech StartUp Founders
- Host – Michele Heyward, Founder, PositiveHire
- Guest – Monique Mills, CEO, TPM Focus & Talisha Shine, CTO, The 10k Project
Positive hire is a tech startup, focuses on connecting experienced Black, Latina, and Indigenous women, who are scientists, engineers, and technology professionals to management roles. We do subject matter expert positions as well. But the importance is, our numbers are small, but we are mighty, and we deserve to be there. We remove more barriers so that we continue to grow and excel in our careers.
We had the opportunity to meet Talisha and Monique as they share what it’s like to be in tech building a startup.
First Tech Startup
Talisha’s first startup: ” I would say my first tech startup would probably scope scribe. About the application of Periscope, it had week after Meerkat which none of you probably even remember because it came and went just as quickly. South by Southwest, it was hyped, this whole live-streaming platform, it’s gonna change the world. Then the week later periscope came and it was just a smaller platform in the sense, kind of looked at it, evaluated and it was just interesting. Then I kind of saw a pattern happening so I built something just on my computer to look at the majority of scopes on there. There were very few at the time. It became more of a science project for me to be able to take a look at how this could be utilized. Because again, everybody knows it’s all fun and games until the network marketers show up. And they change the game very quickly because they’re using it from a business perspective. So I instantly kind of wanted to see what business application could be built. And I build a service based upon how to leverage that live streaming community because again, you had to learn how to build it. And it has some marketing aspects to it. But there were some technical aspects to it, like when to stream, how long to do it, where were your CTAs kind of input all that, and then out there was no way to look at any of the metrics because it was a brand new platform, they, the actual manufacturer of it didn’t even have it. And so I became a beta tester for them to get some of the Intel for myself to make my business grow. I also just shared with them to the point where they were like, Okay, can we just buy what you’re doing for us? And I was like, sure. And that’s, that was my first startup.”
Monique’s first startup: “Now, it’s crazy how you build a brand from social media. It just lingers on and on good or bad. We have been lucky enough to be good. During my startup journey, I created software from an idea that applied to matching an underutilized commercial space. Just to give you an idea, and of course, it transformed over time. Back when I first started I was thinking small. I was talking to retailers. I told them this will happen, which is what we all see now where there’s no foot traffic, right? So why do you need all this space? And back seven years ago, when I first started the company, I started those conversations. And some were like, oh, wow, yeah, like, but it wasn’t an urgency, right. I spend a lot of time educating that listen, everything is online, people, less and fewer people will be coming into your store unless they can come to one place for multiple things. So who can be your strategic partner that sells something different, but to the same customer that you sell to? So now you see target and Sephora, right? You see all of these things happening. And Macy’s was even doing one with the grocery store too, but they have a few pilot locations. So I say all that to say is I was early to the idea. Seven years ago, now everybody’s rushed and trying to figure out how they can get it together. So that’s one of the things that you know, for those who are thinking of ideas is like a way out there. You have to have a lot of, you know, tenacity to just continue to educate like I was worn now by just educating people because I also have a background and I also have a real estate business. So anyway, that’s how it all ties in together. That was the first thing was the software company. I have. I have a consulting company where I help other people launch new products, new businesses, and I work with accelerators and incubators all around the country with that as well. And I also started a marketing company that’s under that umbrella. So between my tech startup my real estate and my consulting and marketing company. I would say three out of four still kicking is great with my tech startup I licensed it, white label licensed it away. And that’s how I exited the business.”
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Talisha Shine
Talisha Shine is an experienced information technology professional, Certified Blockchain Expert and GBA Certified Blockchain Consultant, who combines her nearly 20 year IT software support experience, Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems, and Master of Business Administration to provide a full scope perspective on all things Blockchain. Recognized among the Top 100 Black Leaders in Blockchain, Talisha is an inner circle member of Black Blockchain Consultants and also serves as the Vice President of Blockchain Consortium International, a blockchain consulting company. And also serves as the Chief Technology Officer for The 10K Project.

Monique Mills
Monique Mills is a degreed electrical engineer turned serial entrepreneur. She attended Rochester Institute of Technology for her engineering degree and completed her MBA, with a concentration on Management of Technology, at Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a licensed Realtor(R) as well as a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship. Monique began her career in the semiconductor industry then went on to hold positions in the energy, aviation, real estate, and technology industries.
Monique has founded four companies, one of which was a SaaS technology targeting the commercial real estate and retail industry. Currently, she is the CEO of TPM Focus which produces innovative business strategies that synchronize marketing, sales, technology, and finances for companies that are starting up or expanding. She lends her talents to startup incubators and accelerators around the country including serving as a Mentor for Founder Institute, a Startup Coach for the Advanced Technology Development Center at Georgia Tech, and serving as an Advisory Board Member for Stem to Market, a Kauffman Foundation-funded accelerator of the Association for Women in Science that supports STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) entrepreneurs seeking commercialization of their research and technology. She is an advocate for diversification of STEM careers, expanded leadership, and equitable entrepreneurial opportunities for women and underrepresented minorities.

Michele Heyward
Michele Heyward is founder and CEO of PositiveHire, a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between enterprises and underrepresented women in STEM professions. Michele is a civil engineer who is an experienced project manager in the energy sector armed with technical sales and technology transfer experience.
Michele’s vision is to not only help black, Latina and indigenous women find inclusive workplaces, but to prepare enterprises to receive them, and help those enterprises recruit them. This approach makes PositiveHire the premiere recruiting platform for black, Latina and indigenous women professionals.
Michele has a B.S. degree in civil engineering and a M.S. degree in industrial management, both from Clemson University. A South Carolina native, Michele enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, Toastmasters, and making connections personally and professionally. Michele has a passion for engaging with others on social media.