“Reading, listening, and noticing what’s happening with the BIPOC community is only half the work done. When you connect with those who are working to make their voices heard, you will understand what it takes to advocate for the cause.”

To help you get started, here is the list of foundations, non-profits, [social media] activists, and civil rights organizations that you can connect with to know more about DEI.
RACIAL EQUITY TOOLS – Racial Equity Tools supports everyone working to achieve social equality. It offers tools, tips, research, and various resources for those who wish to increase their understanding of racial injustices and work at every level for this cause.
MOVEMENT FOR BLACK LIVES – As the name suggests, M4BL was founded with the idea of ‘black power rising’. They not only have a lot of legal resources, information, and content that will educate you on the matter, but they have numerous events and causes open at all times that you can help them with.
ANTIRACISM CENTER – This research center is doing groundbreaking work for social inequality, racism, and injustices. They are focusing on the problems at the policy level so the change in the US can be on a bigger level. You can connect with them to know more about their work and various ways through which you can connect to assist them.
BLACK WOMEN’S BLUEPRINT – This is the cause we all must be supporting. BWB offers trauma healing and truth & reconciliation among others for those who want to recover from grief and institutionalized violence. If you want to understand what black and people of color go through every day and the effects that it has on them, BWB is where you should be volunteering.
EQUAL JUSTICE INITIATIVE – The Equal Justice Initiative commits to challenging racial and economic injustice in the United States. They want to raise their voices against excessive punishment and mass incarceration for the most vulnerable people in America. You cannot only donate to help them continue their work but also volunteer, connect with the team, and spend a day with them to see how the everyday racial discrimination & race-related problems in America look like.
BLACK MINDS MATTER – Black Minds Matter is a grassroots initiative designed to prepare 21st Century African-American leaders in the areas of art, education, DEI, and political activism. Even if you are not black, you can always get in touch with them to understand more about the cause and explore different avenues through which you can gain more information.
WHITE NONSENSE ROUNDUP – White Nonsense Roundup is an organization created by white people for white people. They believe that it is the responsibility of white people (which it is) to call out each other when they are contributing to structural racism and harassment against people of color. No better organization than to connect with them on your journey of getting to know more about DEI, race, and anti-racism.
FRESH LIFELINES FOR YOUTH – This award-winning non-profit organization is working for young people of color who are disproportionately affected by negative encounters with the law. This one will be your eye-opener on how racism affects even teens. FLY educates youth about the law and their rights, supports them to become leaders among their peers and communities, and gives them positive mentors and role models.
THE BAIL PROJECT – From police brutality to injustice in the criminal justice system, The Bail Project intends to level the playing field. This organization has been aiding against the disparity and injustice people of the color face behind the bar. It helps low-income individuals return to their families with free bail assistance. You can help them with donations and also get in touch to know more about the institutional problems they face when helping BIPOC.
“These are just some of the organizations that you can connect with to know more about the gravity of problems black and people of color face in their everyday life. It is a long way to go, but the change will happen when everyone starts becoming aware and taking steps even if an individual at a time.”